Technical and Social Sensor Aggregation for Smart Environment Enhancement Project Workshop

Project Workshop Friday, 3 December 2021 European University Cyprus Auditorium Delta The Feed2IoT project aims to enhance the quality of life of citizens and the business environment in any Smart Environment by investigating the association between the two currently disconnected worlds of “Technical Sensor” and “Human Sensor” (social media, mobile applications, news etc.). Part of this work was to identify points of association that aggregate the information coming from the two environments, in what we Read more…

Call For Applications

Feed2IoT invites you to exploit the capabilities of the Feed2IoT Infrastructure in Nicosia and create new applications and solutions. Based on the European Commission’s Strategies the priorities are: First Topic: A European Green Deal – In the Feed2IoT project, we aim at making the daily environmental impact in micro-areas more transparent through massive sensor deployments. Applications build towards this goal should quantify environmental impact of day-to-day events in a smart city/campus and reveal potential long-lasting Read more…

Third General Meeting

The third project general meeting organised by CyRIC and hosted by CERIDES on 09/12/2019.CyRIC introduced the new project coordinator. EUC introduced a new Software Developer that will also participate in the project.The meeting agenda included: Sensors Application and Testing Mobile Application Requirements Deliverables review

Second General Meeting

The second general meeting was hosted by CyRIC. The consortium discussed the User Requirements of the project that were presented. Beyond that, the project team discussed the upcoming deliverables and how the chosen requirements will be tested and presented in the form of scenarios.